After the sad passing of Lucy, our cocker spaniel of seven years who developed breast cancer I was convinced that we shouldn't get any more animals.........then came the trip to the pet store where Baily Jean with her big brown eyes and waging tail was just too irresistible. So now we add one miniature dachshund along with our cat Blackie, Kyle's turtle (who he named clam) who came all the way from New York with me on the plane, and our new squater cat who has moved into our garage (without our permission) and who we can't get rid of and of course the fish. Baily has turned out to be a great little dog if you forgot about the fact that she pee's and poops on the deck if its raining, she digs under the trampoline until she's black, she escapes out of the yard and is impossible to catch, she nips at anyone she doesn't know, she bites Kyle, growls at Nickie and piddles when she gets excited. Ah life is great.
Rest in Peace Lucy, we miss you.